Scout continually tracks down N+1 database queries, sources of memory bloat, performance abnormalities, and more. 
Get back to coding with Scout.

Application Monitoring that finds what you can't see in charts.

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Scout speaks,           Ruby,         Elixir,  and          Python.

Already using an APM product? See this walkthru showing how much time you'll save investigating latency spikes with Scout.

A focused, clutter-free UI

Easy install

Affordable, flexible pricing

Scout is easy-to-navigate for everyone on your engineering team, highlighting performance problems and filtering out the noise.

Whether monitoring a Rails app, a Django app, or an Elixir app, just require our library and deploy. There's no separate agent to configure.

Scout is almost always more affordable than traditional APM services. With integrated transaction sampling support, you can tune your bill to your budget.

Trusted by thousands of engineers at leading-edge companies.

"We liked New Relic but we love Scout!" - Aaron Scruggs, VP of Engineering, AcademicWorks 

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Our agent instruments the dependencies you'd expect (database queries, HTTP calls, template rendering, etc.) and a number of not-so-common dependencies as well. 

Scout's tracing logic ties bottlenecks to source code, eliminating guess work. Instrumentation is combined with our one-of-kind profiler, ScoutProf, to profile your app's custom code without complex custom configuration.

Deep Instrumentation.


Every stack frame of every trace is analyzed for memory bloat, slow database queries, trending poor performance, and more. The results are aggregated together and presented on your dashboard. 

Scout works to identify critical problems that can't be detected with the human eye.

Identifies the source of database and memory woes.


Our monitoring agent uses just a portion of the resources of existing app monitoring agents while providing higher-fidelity trace details.

The secret to low overhead? Our tracing algorithm. Our agent does more work on anomaly requests and decreases analysis on faster areas of your application code.

View more details on our performance benchmarks and the actual tests on GitHub.

Low overhead & high fidelity tracing.


What else can you do with Scout?

See how performance looks for a specific user with Trace Explorer

Profile your app in development with DevTrace

Alert your team of capacity and performance issues

Identify slow, frequently-used database queries

Compare performance between deploys with Deploy Tracking

Stay updated on performance trends and outliers with the Digest Email

View your perf+error data in one place with our Rollbar and Sentry integrations

Send your performance metrics to StatsD-compatible systems with scout_statsd

Identify if background jobs are spending too long in the queue

Scout speaks,           Ruby,        Elixir,  and          Python.

Start your trial

Locked in an annual contract with another vendor? There's never been a better time to try Scout: we'll cover your cancellation fee. 

Ready to try Scout?

It's safe to run Scout alongside your existing APM library.

"Today's performance issues are nuanced and time-consuming to investigate. Scout is how we get our time back." 




